In partnership with
East Midlands Ambulance Service

About Us

South Notts Community First Responders (CFR's) are a group of FPOS fully trained volunteers from the local community who work in partnership with the East Midlands Ambulance Service (EMAS) to respond to life-threatening emergency medical calls within our area. We provide vital assistance to people who are ill, prior to the arrival of the emergency ambulance.

Why We Need Responders

Due to our locality, we can often arrive on-site much quicker than the emergency ambulance. In cases where patients are suffering from a cardiac arrest, for example, every second counts and the patient's heart needs to receive a shock as quickly as possible, ideally within the first 5 to 10 minutes after they have collapsed. By creating Community First Responder schemes in areas where it is sometimes difficult for an emergency ambulance to reach within minutes, early defibrillation can take place. Research shows that if a cardiac arrest victim is defibrillated immediately their chances of survival are 85%. These odds decrease by 10% with every minute that passes without treatment.

How it works

When someone dials 999 and asks for the ambulance service, the operator will transfer them to the ambulance control centre. The operator will ask the address where the ambulance is needed and will dispatch a crew immediately. If there is a Community Responder on duty in the area, the control dispatcher will advise them of the call at the same time via text message. If the Responder can arrive quicker than the ambulance, then they will phone them and ask them to attend. Community Responders are often dispatched to an incident within 30 seconds of the call being made. Using their own car, they make their way to the scene where they can begin to help the person in need.


Each Community First Responder (CFR) carries an AED (Automated External Defibrillator) and a first response bag containing an Oxygen cylinder and other first aid equipment to enable them to respond to a variety of medical emergencies. They are also issued with a branded Hi-Visibility jacket to make them more visable. All equipment is sourced and paid for by the volunteers or by generous donations.

The standard equipment that each Responder carries consists of:

  • The AED
  • Oxygen Cylinder
  • Oropharangeal Airways (OPAs)
  • Burns dressings
  • First Aid kit
  • Salbutamol
  • Pulse Oximeter

All the equipment used is sourced and paid for by the volunteers or by generous donations. We are a non-profit organisaton continually raising funds to enable us to survive as a local voluntary resource to the community. In order to keep this life-saving group going - any donation is welcome.

For a full list of equipment and prices, please click here.

Meet The Team

Image of George Brown

George Brown

Location: East Leake
Daytime Role: Ambulance Technician
Favourite Past Time: Working with my owls
Biggest Fear: Not being able to help
Greatest Achievement: Meeting the Queen

Image of Lisa Potter

Lisa Potter

Location: Clifton
Daytime Role: Ambulance Technician
Favourite Past Time: Spending time with family and friends
Biggest Fear: Spiders
Greatest Achievement: Her Son

Image of Damian Fielding

Damian Potter

Location: Clifton
Daytime Role: NHS Manual Services Technician
Favourite Past Time: Sport and hiding from Lisa
Biggest Fear: Lisa turning the Xbox off
Greatest Achievement: Getting Horizontal on a Pole

Image of Mike Utton

Mike Utton

Location: Sutton Bonington
Daytime Role: Director of Events
Favourite Past Time: DIY and Sport
Biggest Fear: Heights
Greatest Achievement: Playing for his Country

Image of Mike Utton

Alan Rawsthorne

Location: East Leake
Daytime Role: Retired Policeman
Favourite Past Time: White water rafting
Biggest Fear: Speeding
Greatest Achievement: Surviving the Police force

Image of Gary Shipman

Gary Shipman

Location: Gotham
Daytime Role: Parts Advisor
Favourite Past Time: DIY, Model railways, Playing with ambulances
Biggest Fear: Spiders & Snakes
Greatest Achievement: Getting to 40


No previous medical experience is required to become a Community First Responder, so anyone is welcome to help. All members of the South Notts team will receive complete training and assessment before they can begin. Everyone also undergoes continued re-training and is re-certified every 12 months with East Midlands Ambulance Service to ensure that all team members give the best possible care to the community.

The group also meets on a monthly basis to discuss experiences and for on-going retraining exercises.

Sponsorship & Donations

We are a non-profit organisation, so we are continually raising funds to enable us to survive as a local voluntary resource to the community. All our equipment is sourced and funded by the volunteers or by generous donations. We therefore constantly looking for funds from local businesses, organisations and individuals to allow us to expand, replace our equipment and to keep us operational.

Please help keep this worthwhile cause going by supporting us today!

We would like to express a special thank you to those who have already kindly donated to this incredible scheme. Your donations really have made a difference!

Emu Events Logo
Sutton Bonington Show Logo


If you would like to donate, please visit our donations page: DONATE HERE



Is the CFR Scheme a 24 hour service?

Not at the moment. We currently cover as many hours as are possible subject to the number of volunteers and their availability.

If I have a problem, should I call a CFR?

No. If you feel you have a genuine medical emergency then you should call 999 and ask for the ambulance service. We are then contacted directly by the relevant service controllers.

If I call 999 will I get a CFR instead of an ambulance?

No. If you call 999 a paramedic or ambulance will always be dispatched. The CFR scheme provides a support to, not a replacement for, the emergency medical services.

Can anyone be a First Responder?

Yes, the majority of people can become a First Responder. You just need to be reasonably fit, mobile, be at least 18 years of age and drive a car. You will need to go through a security check, attend the training sessions and induction course and maintain an acceptable level of skill proficiency in on going training.

Are CFR's paid?

No. The scheme runs on a purely voluntary basis. However, as CFR's use their own vehicles to attend an emergency, you can claim a mileage allowance to cover the vehicle costs of being called out.

Do CFR's have emergency vehicles?

No but each member is provided with signage with distinct marking to place on their own vehicles while on duty.

How often will I be on duty?

As a volunteer you do as little or as much as you want. You will receive a mobile phone that you can use to log on and off to work around your own personal circucumstances.


Contact Us

We'd love to hear your feedback, please email us. If you require, or would like us to call you back, please ensure that you include your name, email address and telephone number.
email us at